Course Update


Dry weather has allowed us to get a lot of work done these past few weeks.  Leaves continue to be our biggest challenge, but we are starting to get ahead of them.  Weather has also allowed for a great deal of golf to be played.  That's awesome for December, but it has a few drawbacks.  We are seeing a ton of untouched ball marks, countless unfilled divots, and many signs of cart traffic that is not adhering to the 90 degree rule.  When the turf is essentially dormant and not growing, these problems won't recover.  We are going to start assigning ball mark repair to our staff in an effort to "catch up", but we need all golfers to repair at least one ball mark on every hole they play.  We expect to have some unfilled divots when it's "cart path only", but not when you can drive the divot bottle right to your shot.   I know this is mostly "golfer 101" stuff and readers of this update are likely not the target audience, but anything you can do to help spread the word would be huge for course conditions.  


The frigid weather we encountered during Thanksgiving week required us to shut down the irrigation system.  However, warmer temps and exceedingly dry conditions required us to recharge the system yesterday.  This is a first in my 21 years.  Watering new sod along cart paths, keeping new seed alive, filling ponds, washing equipment, filling the sprayers, etc. are all high priorities given current conditions.  We'll re-winterize when conditions change.  


Lastly, for those of you who have fire pits or wood burning fireplaces, we have a great supply of seasoned, split hardwood behind our shop (between 1 green and the shop).  We'd like any club member to feel free to take what they can use.  You should be able to find the stack of wood easily and can pull your vehicle or cart right to it.  We'll be cutting more trees this winter and will have a steady stream of wood available.  I had hoped to sell it to help fund staff winter uniforms, but that process creates a lot of logistical headaches.  Instead, if you're feeling up to it, a small donation to the uniform fund would be welcomed (not required).  Just email me if you'd like to have a donation billed to your account.  


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