Course Update

On Wednesday and Thursday of this past week we applied a product called Echelon to the zoysia grass.  This product contains a pre-emergent herbicide for summer annual weeds and a post emergent herbicide that we need for kyllinga and sedges.  The combination of these two ingredients has worked well for us in the past, but it has one drawback.  Even in ideal zoysia growing weather, Echelon will discolor the turf for several days following the application.  I expect you will soon see signs of this in our fairways, but it will disappear soon.  The upside is well worth the short term setback in appearance.  The cold nights are probably as much to blame for any discoloration we will see, but that will go away soon as well. 

The range tee is zoysia as well and, like everything else, is 2-3 weeks behind schedule this year.  We will open the turf for use next week on a limited basis and rotate the use of mats more than normal until the weather finally favors zoysia growth.  Please be on the lookout for our range tee etiquette signs and updates related to caring for the tee once the turf is open for use.  With increased play it is critical that everyone helps out.  

Lastly, we aim to have all the soil placed along the new cart path edges this week.  Two outings last week and the seasonal staff not yet on board made it tough to get much done last week.  No outing this week and a few extra hands on deck should allow us to get that step completed.  

Holes 3 and 7 are covered in a disease called zoysia patch.  We have some other holes with minor blemishes, but 3 and 7 have always been magnets for this disease.  We make multiple preventive applications in the fall, but the conditions from last fall to now have been ideal for this disease.  Saturated ground in the early spring made it impossible for follow up applications with the sprayer.  This disease thrives in wet compacted soil.  We have kept them 3 and 7 "cart path only" to give every advantage possible for the turf to recover. 

The course IS going to be fantastic this season.  It's just taking longer than all of us, me included, would like.  Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Dave/Ryan and Course Staff



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