Monday Play HELP

  1. Play may begin at Noon
  2. Unless otherwise noted, all play should start on hole 1
  3. Maintenance has the right of way.  Do not play a hole where staff is working.  

Mondays present a perfect opportunity for us to do things on the course that are difficult or impossible during normal play.  Prior to 2001 we were closed to all play on Mondays.  Common sense prevailed that year and we began allowing play after noon on Mondays.  The caveat was/is that maintenance staff has the right of way and all play should yield to maintenance.  I'm a big fan of Monday long as we are given the time needed to do the work you need us to do.  Golf is a great game, it's right here in your backyard, you pay your dues, and you should absolutely be allowed to play.  However, for safety reasons we need to be able to put our heads down and get stuff done without fear of getting hit by a golf ball.  Also, it's nice to get stuff done without feeling as if we are holding up play.  Giving us the right of way lets the staff know that they can focus on the task at hand rather than worrying about being in someone's way.  They are much more efficient when they don't have to stop every 5 minutes.  If you wish to play an uninterrupted round of golf on Monday, it's best to wait until 2:30 to start.  At that time, most of the staff is gone and it's just the hand watering team (Me, Ryan, 1-2 others).  If you choose to start at noon when we officially "open", it is likely that you will encounter staff along the way.  If you do encounter staff on a Monday, please jump around them to the next hole.  They are trained to know it is the only day of the week they have this right of way.  I tell them to put their heads down and go on Monday.  All other days I tell them to keep their head on a swivel and step aside when they see golf.  They are doing what they are told to do and following the policy that is set up for them to be productive.  Please don't hit a shot that has the potential to strike an employee unless that person has acknowledged you and waived you through.  Please don't be impatient with them on Mondays as they are told not to stop for golf.  

THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!  If you are one of our loyal blog "followers", please share this note with your fellow golf buddies.   


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