Course Update

Course clean up from winter weather and routine spring cleaning is the best way to describe how we've spent our time lately.  We lost a few weeks to snow cover and sloppy ground over the past two months so we are reprioritizing our off season "to do" list.   We've been spraying winter weeds in the zoysia, finishing up the most critical tree work, edging cart paths, getting equipment ready for spring, and getting the club landscaping touched up.  We are racing against the clock trying to button things up before the zoysia starts growing.  Once that happens we will be focused almost solely on routine course maintenance until next winter.  The week ahead looks fantastic for golf and course maintenance.   Hopefully we will see many of you on the course!  Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.....

We had a tough fall with Helene and sloppy conditions.  Now we 
are finally getting unwanted weeds sprayed in the zoysia.  

Ryan spraying the outer edge of the bentgrass collar 
to kill and prevent unwanted weeds like poa annua (annual bluegrass)

An oversight with our fall pre-emergent is obvious on 18.  The drop
spreader pass along the outer edge of the zoysia is easy to see, thanks to the 
accidental skip with the rotary spreader.  

Homemade shield for the sprayer.  This allows us to spray the outer 
edge of the zoysia without getting anything in the fescue

Our new bridge is a little wider so we added some 
width to the concrete on either side

Jason is busy replacing worn out reels and 
making other much needed equipment repairs

We removed 4 maples from the center islands
at the clubhouse lot.  They were failing and causing trouble
with curbs, asphalt, grass, and light posts.  

This is what shut irrigation down on several holes this summer.  The 
power wire had a small break.

The wire fault locator found the break deep
in the woods between 11 and 12

We've removed 238 trees this winter, but continue finding more

This is the "stump" on 16 left behind from a bad storm last June.  

The "stump" has finally been removed.  Grinding
will happen soon

The guys got a lot of inside work done this winter.  
New color for the break room.


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