Catching Up

The process of getting back to "normal" following the Helene fiasco is ongoing.  Getting caught up on mowing has occupied most of our time this week.  Rough overseeding and aeration finally got started, but is still way behind schedule.  We had hoped that by now we'd be mowing some new grass, but in many areas seed still hasn't been applied.  The damage from a busy summer of traffic and extreme weather have left some areas in the rough completely bare.  Aerating these areas makes it look even worse, but creates a great seed bed.  Most of these areas are impossible to keep traffic off of as they are the only points of access to and from greens or tees.  Once we start to see seed germinate (hopefully soon) we'll have to try and funnel traffic to avoid as much of the new grass as possible.  We are pushing hard to get the new seed germinated as quickly as possible given the late timing.  This means more watering which may lead to some soft spots thereby requiring cart traffic restrictions.  Please be alert and try to avoid the areas under repair when driving.  It's impractical and impossible to rope off everything so keep your head on a swivel if possible.  

Thanks for your help!  We need all we can get.  

Grub damage on top of a busy golf schedule and tough weather = bad turf

The aerator can make a bad area look worse. It's also a good 
way for us to find out that our grub control treatments were not very effective.


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