Thank You LGA!
Each of the past 24 years the LGA has provided a lunch for our team. Susan Noon has been the ringleader every year. Monday was another example of her greatness as she pulled together a meal for lots of hungry staff. We all appreciate the generosity of the LGA and look forward to this meal more than you might imagine. Thanks to Susan, Kim Sanker, Mary Wright, Darlene Johnson, Terry Anstrom, Nancy Goeden, Candy O'Donnell, Lana Hansen, and Melita Crilley for taking time to buy, prepare, and deliver so much food. We scheduled all the part timers Monday to help prep for the VSGA outing so we had 22 mouths to feed. A few missed out, but the rest of us enjoyed it very much. Most of our staff work half days so we don't get to eat together very often. It was a blast to have everyone on hand together for another LGA lunch!
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