Progress Report on Paths and Aeration

As of Saturday morning all the bad concrete has been removed  The new concrete on holes 12 and 18 is open for use so the back nine is now entirely open for play.  New concrete has been poured on holes 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7.  Monday we will pour areas on holes 9, 1, and 2.  Those holes have the most work to be done and will take a couple of days to complete.  With rain forecasted for Tuesday it looks like we'll hit one more delay before we finish.  The guys have done another amazing job this time and I know you will all be impressed with the results.  

The greens are recovering at a very good pace especially when compared with last year.  Soil temperatures and the weather have been far better for growing grass this year.  Our staff worked a lot of long days last week going through multiple steps in an effort to improve the recovery outcome.  Brushing, vacuuming up excess sand, rolling, blowing, etc...takes significant time and effort, but plays a huge role in recovery.  I am anxious to get them healed up so that I can shed the blame for all missed putts.

This is roughly 205 sections of cart path or nearly 2000 linear feet!

Chris spent some time grading out the rollercoaster ride at 2 tee

The bridge at 2 was very hard on carts and backs

This head needed leveling before the new concrete went back in on 1. 
I did it Saturday morning with my helpers

Prepping for the new pad at the range tee.  This is where the canopy will sit. 

A big bump on 5 is no longer there

3 days after aeration

One of the final steps is sweeping up excess sand



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