Summer Reminders
The dog days of summer are in full swing. That means it's time for a number of our unwelcome visitors to arrive. There are a few that we see every year about this time and we are, as always, trying to make them disappear. Here is the list off the top of my head in no particular order and certainly not all inclusive:
- Cicada killer wasps
- Rogue golf carts
- Goosegrass
- Nutsedge
- Rogue golf carts
- 70+ degree nights and 90+ degree days
- Sunscreen and bug repellant applied while standing in the grass
- Broken irrigation parts (sprinkler heads, pipe, pump, etc..)
- Rogue golf carts
- Ball marks
- Molting geese
- Rogue golf carts
If summer course maintenance was a round of golf, we would be on hole 6 right now. The list above usually shows up on hole 5 and the wheels start to come off a little. Hopefully we can get some good breaks, make some good decisions, and get full support from all involved. If so, we should make it to the 19th hole for a cold beer and get to start our prep work for next summer.
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