Day 5-6 Update

I missed the deadline for getting an update out yesterday so this one covers both Friday and Saturday.  The demo process has been completed all the way to the bridge on hole 7 which is our stopping point.  Flatline removed just under 1/2 mile of concrete in just over 5 days.  Pouring the remaining sections will occur Monday, Tuesday, and likely into Wednesday.  That will end up being just under 300 cubic yards of concrete (30 concrete trucks).  Today, the process of hauling away all the broken concrete began.  That's going to take some time as the pile is enormous and the trucks can only haul a few yards at a time.  

The pile finally stopped getting bigger today

The pile will take longer to go away than it did to show up

We'll clean up the spoils and backfill the edges

These guys are really good


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