Be Prepared

The zoysia was treated yesterday with Echelon, a weed prevention/control product.  The zoysia will turn an ugly color in a few days and will stay that way for several more.  It will bounce right back, but be prepared for a few days of ugliness.  If you're playing with someone who wonders what is going on with the fairways....please let them know and then direct them to follow this blog.  

After dodging windy days, rainy days, frosty days, and/or wet ground we finally made it out with our fairway weed control spray.  It's about 3 weeks later than normal, but better late than never.  The target weed for this application is called kyllinga.  Our poorly drained soils are a haven for it and it's the biggest weed problem we face in the zoysia.  Due to the crazy weather pattern we've been under there is also a lot of pressure right now from poa annua in the zoysia.   We'll be going after that as well, but with a different strategy at a later date.  Generally speaking, the zoysia is not happy at the moment.  Frost in the second week of May knocked it back from an already poor position.  Prior to the two frosty mornings last weekend, we were saturated from two weeks of cool rainy conditions.  It's going to take some extended warmth and sun to help get things going in the zoysia. 


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