Growing Pains

We were able to get 15 holes over seeded this week and will wrap up the rest next week.  Thanks for dodging us during the process so that we could keep the tractor moving.  It was a big help for sure.  As you know, seeds need moisture in order to germinate and newly sprouted seed will need light frequent water in order to grow.  We will have to water more than we'd like in order to push the new seed to grow.  This may make some areas too soft for carts.  Once the seed germinates it will be important to keep carts off it until the new seed is up to mowing height.  This can be 2-3 weeks if we are lucky.  We're doing our best to make this process as quick and painless as possible.   

September.....21 rainy days + hottest night time temps ever = trouble
Mapping out the needy areas for budgeting purposes.  Trees and carts are
the two common themes among the weakest areas.   
Same hole pictured above.  Earlier this year
the rough was much happier.  
Jimmy at work with the seeder
The seeder does a good job poking holes and
drop spreading seed all in one pass.  


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