Schedule Changes and USGA Green Section Update

We are experiencing a great deal of frustration with the weather.  A calendar that was already booked with plans for course maintenance has now been reduced by at least three, but more than likely 4 weeks.  Aeration has moved from Plan A to Plan B and is now closing in on Plan C.  Unfortunately we don't have a Plan C so we are going to have to wing it.  Aerating greens, aerating roughs, overseeding roughs, fertilizing, etc... have been bumped from the schedule for three straight weeks.  All these tasks need to be performed between Labor Day and early October.  Unfortunately it's rained all but two of the last 17 days and this week looks like another full wash out.  If it stops raining on Thursday as predicted, we'll need several days to dry out before we can get the big mowers and tractors back out.  With that fact, we've decided to put off the much needed core aeration of greens and just use solid tines as a "band aid" for the moment.  We did some of that work today in the rain and will attempt to complete it tomorrow.  Pulling cores and topdressing (much needed) is out of the question with the weather and ground conditions we have.  When things improve we'll need to pounce on catching up with mowing and aerating/overseeding roughs.  We are running out of time to get this stuff done before the leaves start to fall and frosty mornings become the norm.  It's going to take some time for us to catch up from this weather and things will likely be less than ideal for some time following the last rain drop.  Please bear with us and know we are doing all we can to shuffle priorities and keep the course in shape. 

Click the link for the latest update from our USGA Green Section : When's It Gonna End


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