Another Messy May

May brought nearly 8" of rain in each of the past two years.  This May got off to a great start but quickly changed gears.  Last week's wind and rain made Fawn Lake a messy place.  The wind last Monday night took out roughly 20 trees on the course (many more around the neighborhood) and left the course littered with debris.  Rains that followed the rest of the week made it too wet to get equipment off the paths for clean up and mowing.  Eventually we'll get back to normal, but it's going to be a tough golf course until things dry up.

Following Monday's wind storm and knowing that a lot of rain would arrive soon, we picked up sticks and got three laps of rough mowed around each fairway.  If you hit it off line by more than 20' you will be in deep grass.  We mowed greens daily until the rain got too heavy on Friday and Saturday.  Today (Sunday) we are cleaning out debris and mud from bunkers, mowing greens and collars, and continuing with stick pick up.  This theme will continue until we get things caught up.


  1. Thanks to the entire team for all the hard work!

  2. Hi. I have an old injury on my left shoulder. It makes my left shoulder to be lower than the right. What impact could this have on my setup and low point of my swing. I need to pre tilt rather excessively to compensate and not hit it fat. This makes me lose the free feeling and I get some pain in the right side rear back.
    thanks in advance


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