A Little Walking Is Best For Now

The frozen ground is thawing out with these recent warm days.  While the ground wasn't overly wet before it froze, there are likely going to be some very soft spots as things thaw out.  Additionally, you invested a great deal of money seeding high traffic areas in the rough last fall.  Much of that seed was late to germinate and is very immature.  Traffic on turf, under current conditions, would be a bad idea.  Compaction will be magnified by the fact that the freezing and thawing have made the soils very soft.  Not wet, but soft.  For these primary reasons we are cart path only at the moment.  

The textbook would say the course should still be closed due to the frost layer beneath the surface of the greens.  I have learned over the years that we seem to be ok as long as the soil above the frost line isn't saturated.  It's not ideal to have traffic on greens right now, but the rare opportunity for golf in January is hard to say no to.  Don't let this warm spell pass without getting some golf in.  The course will be fine as long as everyone follows the rules.  

A few articles on winter golf...


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