Winter Work Continues

It's been a long two weeks.  Haven't seen grass in awhile and certainly haven't had any golf weather. Regardless, we've been busy.  Once we removed all the snow from the parking lots and clubhouse/pro shop steps and walkways, we hunkered down to tackle a number of inside tasks. We've done some repair work in the clubhouse, created a few things for Christina to use with her wedding and catering work, painted the break room in the shop, painted all the tee markers, worked on equipment, painted the bathrooms on the course,and walked the course to retrieve all 430 hazard stakes for refurbishing, among other things.  

Hazard stakes are made of  recycled plastic and are about 12 years old.  They have faded from red to pink and yellow to almost white.  We are running them through a bench planer to skim off the faded surface and get back to the original color.  Here is the difference...

This was a new one for us.  Christina has a bridal show this weekend and asked if we could create this for her booth.  Golf course maintenance often involves work that doesn't included a golf course. A few weddings can really help the bottom line so we're happy to do our part.        

We do our best to make sure the club can be open all the time.  We also try to keep the pro shop accessible.  We've been lucky this year compared to some of those in the past.  


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