Fall Golf Course Update and Reminders

Lots of changes taking place this time of year.  The following is a summary of what's happening....

  • Staff reduction for the season.  Some very good people who worked extremely hard all year are now either gone for the year or have had their hours greatly reduced.  It is a painful reality that they are all aware of from the start, but it still hurts to see them go.  
  • Frost delays will be a regular occurrence soon.  If you have an early tee time please be prepared for a a delay if it's cold outside.  We need a little time to prepare the course between the frost thawing and the first tee time. 
  • Leaves are falling faster than we can pick them up.  The biggest drain on manpower for the next two months will be leaf removal.  It's all day every day.  
  • Zoysia grass is going dormant.  We haven't had to mow the zoysia fairways and approaches since October 10th.  The color has almost disappeared for the year and will return again beginning in April.  
  • The practice tee grass is closed for the winter and the mats are back in action.    

The fairways are going dormant and the leaves are falling....


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