Another Timely Update from the USGA Green Section

We've been lucky with temperatures this year, but the humidity and rainfall have set us up for a challenge when the heat finally arrives.  The attached USGA Update shares some information that you might find interesting.  With the exception of fans (we don't have any...but would love a few), we've done just about everything we can do to fight off the wet weather and prepare for summer.  With some luck the temperatures won't be record breaking and things will be just fine.  It is important to remember that sometimes the best offense is a good defense and that is the mindset we have from now until the weather breaks.  We can't be overly aggressive in humid, wet, and soon to be hot conditions or we will become a picture for the USGA update. 

USGA Update

Utilizing science based bentgrass stress management tips will help minimize turf thinning and prevent the need for a fall grow-in period.


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