Fall Project Update
I spoke too soon about my schedule for fall projects. The heavy rains from a couple of weeks ago put us way behind with mowing and bunker clean up. This snowballed into a delay with tee aeration which led to a delay in tee slope aeration and overseeding. This week was going to be used for catching up with tee aeration, but as I type this update it's raining and the rest of the week looks wet as well. So........we are two weeks behind with tee aeration, next week is greens aeration which puts us almost a month behind with tee slopes aeration and overseeding. In other words the weather has really been a pain in the rear. We'll be fine and everything will get done, but Plans A, B, C, and D have been thrown in the trash can and we are now operating on Plan "E". I don't have a Plan "F" so I'm working on that now.
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