Aeration Update

We completed the process today!  The next few days will be spent dragging, blowing, and mowing in an effort to completely clean up the aftermath of what was a much needed and long overdue aeration.  Ideally we would do this every year, but due to some obvious reasons we've been unable to do it the past two seasons. 

My apologies to those early tee times who ran into us on the back nine before we finished.  It's a lose-lose deal for us as we disappoint many when we say "course closed" and we disappoint many others when it's open, but not presentable.  We've handled it almost every way possible in the past and there is never a method that suits everyone.   We do the best we can, but it is difficult to accomplish such a large task without disrupting the golf schedule a little.  Thanks for your patience and understanding.


  1. Not to worry, Dave. I played with the Terry Norris group that day and we had agreed beforehand to simply skip any hole that wasn't ready for play. We almost caught you at 17 but still got in a round of golf. Your crew is remarkable.


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