Grass is Showing!

Every update I've given over the past three months has contained the word snow.  It's getting old but I see some grass starting to peak through on the southern facing slopes so maybe the end is near.  We have our work cut out for us when things dry up.   Trees have been the focus all week and will continue to get lots of attention.  Work in the shop continues as well.  One of the most important winter jobs we tackle is the application of Round Up in the zoysia grass.  This is done to kill any breakthrough winter weeds like poa annua (annual bluegrass).  It usually takes us several days to complete, but this winter has given us no chance to even get started.  There may still be a small window of opportunity to get this done if the snow melts and the ground dries up.  There is, however, a good chance this task will have to be skipped.  We will keep our fingers crossed and do our best to squeeze this task in before the zoysia begins to come out of hibernation.

Greens Aeration will be April 5 and 6 as long as the weather cooperates.


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